RKG Classic Ghee is made from pure cow's milk and is an excellent flavour enhancer for your food This delicious and aromatic ghee is natural, nutritious and healthy, owing to the absence of any saturated fatty acids Its versatility makes it a great substitution for cooking oils in both sweet and savoury dishes Intake of a few dollops of classic ghee every day is considered beneficial to your body
RKG Classic Ghee is made from pure cow's milk and is an excellent flavour enhancer for your food This delicious and aromatic ghee is natural, nutritious and healthy, owing to the absence of any saturated fatty acids Its versatility makes it a great substitution for cooking oils in both sweet and savoury dishes Intake of a few dollops of classic ghee every day is considered beneficial to your body
Rich source of energy, vitamins, and dietary fat for nutrition 100% pure ghee obtained from fresh cow milk Ideal to use as butter or oil substitute for preparing various recipes and as a bread spread Securely and hygienically packed for safe storage and freshness
مصنوع من أجود أنواع الزيتون يمكن استخدامه في روتين العناية بالبشرة اليومي يضيف نكهة قوية وخفية لمختلف المواد الغذائية يوفر تغذية كافية مع الاستهلاك المنتظم والاستخدام اليومي مثالي لطهي أنواع مختلفة من الكاري واليخنات والشوربات
زيت جنجيلي البكر يأتي برائحة رقيقة ونكهة ممتعة نوع من زيت السمسم اللون الداكن يضيف الجاذبية إلى الطبق ويوفر لمعان رائع يساعد في تعزيز المذاق الطبيعي لطبقك المفضل يمكن استخدامه للسوتيه والقلي وتبخير وتخبيز مكون لذيذ لصنع المايونيز والتوابل والأطعمة القابلة للدهن ولإضافتة إلى المعكرونة يأتي معبأ في زجاجة بشكل صحي بلد المنشأ: الهند
Coconad is a premium pure coconut oil made from Kerala coconuts Suitable for cooking, frying and regular consumption Adds a delectable flavour to your food Ideal for cooking a variety of curries, stews, soups, and more Country of Origin: India