Flavourful and fresh mint leaves Contains essential nutrients and minerals The best replacement for salty, sweet, or calorie-dense flavourings in diets Sourced carefully to ensure good quality A healthy addition to your meals that elevates the taste of the food Chopped mint leaves can be used as toppings for salads Toss in some mint leaves on pesto meals to give your taste buds a flavour burst Country of origin: UAE / Kuwait / Saudi
يحتوي البصل الأبيض على مضادات الأكسدة والمركبات التي تحارب الالتهابات وتقلل من الدهون الثلاثية وتقلل من مستويات الكوليسترول فعال في تحسين صحة القلب يستخدم في العديد من الوصفات حول العالم
Fresh and firm potatoes Great source of dietary fibres Rich in potassium, vitamin C and B-6, calcium, and iron Carefully sourced to ensure good quality Versatile to complement various dishes and cuisines Can be mashed, steamed, boiled, or fried Country of origin lebnon: